The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest professional association advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its highly-cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe.

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- IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)
- The IEEE/IET Electronic Library is brought to you via the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Featuring content from IEEE as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), IEL contains almost one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science.
- IEEE Enterprise
- The IEEE/IET Electronic Library is brought to you via the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Featuring content from IEEE as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), IEL contains almost one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science.
- IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
- IEEE and Wiley have partnered to offer you online access to more than 900 eBooks via the IEEE Xplore digital library. This eBooks collection spans numerous content areas, including bioengineering, power and energy, and communication technologies, among other growing areas of research.
- IEEE-Wiley Telecom eBooks Library
- Stay informed about the ever-evolving field of telecommunications with this collection of high-quality eBook titles from Wiley delivered via the IEEE Xplore digital library. With more than 360 titles, this collection provides essential information on telecommunications and related fields with concentrated content applicable for students, researchers, and practicing engineers.
- MIT eBooks - Computing & Engineering
- MIT Press eBooks Library—The Computing & Engineering Collection offers online access to more than 700 titles in fields including computer science, artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology, and electrical engineering, broadening the research available to your organization in one platform.
- Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBooks Library
- This engineering and computer science collection consists of more than 875 eBooks that synthesize an important research or development topic, authored by an expert contributor to the field. The Synthesis digital library offers unique value to the reader by providing more analysis and depth in the format of a 80- to 140-page book than in a typical research article.
- Now publishers - Technology eBooks
- Now Publishers - Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks are a trusted resource for graduate students, corporate engineers, and researchers who are exploring a new topic or looking for a high-level introduction to unfamiliar subject areas in engineering or computer science. These peer-reviewed eBooks, with an average of 150 pages, summarize important and timely monographs, allowing readers to learn about trending topics quickly.
- IEEE Courses
- IEEE offers a wide range of learning and career enhancement opportunities within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology and non-technology areas.
IEEE Xplore is a research database for discovery and access to journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards, and related materials on computer science, electrical engineering and electronics, and allied fields. It contains material published mainly by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and other partner publishers. IEEE Xplore provides web access to more than 4.5-million documents from publications in computer science, electrical engineering, electronics and allied fields. Its documents and other materials comprise over 195 scholarly journals, over 1,800 conference proceedings, more than 6,200 technical standards, approximately 2,400 books, and over 425 online courses.[Approximately 20,000 new documents are added each month. Anyone can search IEEE Xplore and find bibliographic records and abstracts for its contents, while access to full-text documents requires an individual or institutional subscription.