Teldan offers a wide range of academic library resources to serve the needs of academic institutions. We are committed to helping students and researchers discover insights to advance learning and research. Teldan places customers at the center of the service process. We focus on understanding and meeting user information needs.
Services include e-Journals & Print Journals, Databases and eBooks.

Academic Institutions
Our Services
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- IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
- IEEE and Wiley have partnered to offer you online access to more than 900 eBooks via the IEEE Xplore digital library. This eBooks collection spans numerous content areas, including bioengineering, power and energy, and communication technologies, among other growing areas of research.
- IEEE-Wiley Telecom eBooks Library
- Stay informed about the ever-evolving field of telecommunications with this collection of high-quality eBook titles from Wiley delivered via the IEEE Xplore digital library. With more than 360 titles, this collection provides essential information on telecommunications and related fields with concentrated content applicable for students, researchers, and practicing engineers.
- MIT eBooks - Computing & Engineering
- MIT Press eBooks Library—The Computing & Engineering Collection offers online access to more than 700 titles in fields including computer science, artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology, and electrical engineering, broadening the research available to your organization in one platform.
- Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBooks Library
- This engineering and computer science collection consists of more than 875 eBooks that synthesize an important research or development topic, authored by an expert contributor to the field. The Synthesis digital library offers unique value to the reader by providing more analysis and depth in the format of a 80- to 140-page book than in a typical research article.
- Now Publishers
- Now Publishers - Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks are a trusted resource for graduate students, corporate engineers, and researchers who are exploring a new topic or looking for a high-level introduction to unfamiliar subject areas in engineering or computer science. These peer-reviewed eBooks, with an average of 150 pages, summarize important and timely monographs, allowing readers to learn about trending topics quickly.
- ACM - Digital Library
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - eBooks from across the entire spectrum of computer science subject matter, appealing to computing practitioners, researchers, educators, and students. The series will initially focus on four kinds of books: graduate level textbooks; research monographs that provide an overview of established and emerging fields; practitioner level professional books; and books devoted to the history and social impact of computing. ACM Books are attractively published as eBooks and print volumes at affordable prices, and widely distributed in both print and digital formats through booksellers and to libraries (and library consortia) and individual ACM members via the ACM Digital Library platform.
- Journal Citation Reports
- The JCR provides journal intelligence that highlights the value and contribution of a journal through a rich array of transparent data, metrics and analysis.
- Kotar e-Books (Iyun)
- Hebrew e-Books in various areas such as: Humanities, social sciences, Judaism, history, education etc.
- Cambridge eBooks
- Cambridge University Press eBooks
- Kotar e-text books
- State-of-the-art digital textbooks available both online and offline, enhanced with multimedia objects. Hebrew text books for all grades in all disciplines.
- Wiley Online Books (Obooks)
- Thousands of titles in subject matter such as: Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences, Engineering etc. Flexible licensing options: Subject collection, pick and choose, Usage Based Model Collection. One time purchase with perpetual rights. No access fee. Unlimited access, DRM-Free.
- Wiley Online Major Reference Works (MRW)
- Encyclopedia, Companions, Handbooks in various subjects, such as: Chemistry, Psychology, Life sciences. Full access to all values. One time purchase with perpetual rights, No access fee, Unlimited access, DRM-Free.
- ACM - eJournals
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - Package of all of ACM's eJournals.
- Teldan eJournals services
- Teldan provides a wide range of eJournal services as part of a one stop shop for all of your Journal needs
- Teldan print journals services
- Teldan provides a wide range of print Journal services as part of a one stop shop for all of your Journal needs
- Enago editing services
- A service for authors in order to improve their research. Enago approach is “Author First, Quality First”. The service includes: Language and grammar check, Style and Consistency, Structural Review, after sale support for 365 days.
- Enago publication support services
- A tool which assists authors to choose the right journal where to publish their manuscript. The tool contains also an element assisting to prevent plagiarism and a component called “Enago Learn” which teaches you how to write an article.
- Web of Science platform
- Access an unrivalled breadth of world-class research literature linked to a rigorously selected core of journals and uniquely discover new information through meticulously captured metadata and citation connections.
- InCites
- "Calibrate your strategic research vision with An objective analysis of people, programs and peers -Analyze institutional productivity and benchmark your output against peers worldwide With customized citation data, global metrics, and multidimensional profiles on the leading research institutions, you’ll get comprehensive insight into your performance."
- EndNote X9
- With EndNote X9 for Corporates or Academic institutions, you can leave behind the tedious work of formatting bibliographies, finding full text, and searching for references.
- IEEE Courses
- IEEE offers a wide range of learning and career enhancement opportunities within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology and non-technology areas.
- Teldan's additional publishers
- Contact us for other publishers or special requests
- Web of Science Core Collection
- Search with confidence and explore the deep citation connections in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. 20,000+ Journals carefully and objectively selected for quality with over 1.4 billion Cited references.
- CNKI eJournals
- China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database that contains eJournals and yearly books, from the leading Chinese publications. Multidisciplinary. Available in Chinese and in English.
- Ofek and "My Studio"
- Tools for teachers that enable building lessons, providing Assignments to students etc. For both primary school and junior high school. Horizon (Ofek)- Content delivery platform for digital textbooks, digital courses and a learning objects repository. My Studio – An authoring tool for the creation of smart interactive, agnostic digital content.
- Hasod shel Maya
- Teaching game database for kids in the age of 3-6 in various area such as: language, math etc..
- EZproxy® - Connect users to content they want
- Authentication is an important issue for libraries and information seekers; certain library resources require authorized access, while remote information seekers want access without obstacles. EZproxy access and authentication software connects to many content providers, including OCLC, EBSCO, Gale and others. It also connects to a wide variety of authentication services, including LDAP, SIP and Shibboleth, which reduces the number of authorizations and passwords users need to remember. Users gain secure remote access to the Web-based, licensed content they discover in libraries.
- Connexion
- A full-service online cataloging tool backed by OCLC's 40+ years of cataloging experience. Connexion lets you create and edit high-quality bibliographic and authority records and then share them with the entire OCLC cooperative, which benefits libraries around the world.
- Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system
- The world’s most widely used way to organize library collections. The DDC constantly updates to enable better discovery across any topic in multiple languages. Because the DDC is easy to use, you can increase the visibility of your materials quickly and efficiently.
- FirstSearch
- The most powerful interface for searching WorldCat. Researchers and library staff can find and select resources in thousands of library collections with rich information from WorldCat records. FirstSearch libraries are also more visible on the popular websites where people often begin their research.
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
- Automates your cloud-based interlibrary borrowing and lending processes though the largest resource-sharing network in the world to save your staff time and to ensure timely delivery of items to the people who need them.
- IEEE Enterprise
- The IEEE/IET Electronic Library is brought to you via the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Featuring content from IEEE as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), IEL contains almost one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science.
- Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) and other - eBooks
- Access thousands of scholarly works across 20 subjects, all on one easy-to-use online resource. Including University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO), a ground-breaking online library bringing works from the world’s best university presses onto a single, easy-to-use resource.
- Books on Ovid
- Thousands of eBooks and e-text books in healthcare, medicine, nursing and para-medical areas. Purchase or lease, both with Unlimited access. Excellent resolution for graphs and images
- Journals on Ovid
- Thousand of eJournals published by Wolters Kluwer/LWW, 3rd party publishers, and societies in healthcare, medicine, nursing and para-medical areas. Individual subscriptions or packages. No access fee, unlimited access no Embargo.
- Databases on Ovid
- more than 100 core and niche databases to support the breadth of research needs in a wide range of disciplines including clinical medicine, pharmacology and more. The powerful combination of Ovid's rich database implementation with Ovid's advanced search features, natural language processing, sophisticated linking technology, and customizable display options, offer a unique, integrated database solution ideal for all users at your institution.
- SAGE eBooks
- Thousands of carefully selected titles by world-class authors on hot topics across the social sciences including academic and supplementary titles, foundational books in core areas of research and debate, accessible student reference, and numerous practical professional titles in education. Available via the SAGE Knowledge platform.
- SAGE eJournals and databases
- Over 1,000 journals in different fields of social sciences humanities and behavioral sciences, at your fingertips and start browsing our dedicated journals platform today. Encompasses also video databases and research methods.
- IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)
- The IEEE/IET Electronic Library is brought to you via the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Featuring content from IEEE as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), IEL contains almost one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science.
- InnovationQ Plus
- A Powerful Patent Discovery and Analytics Platform. Combines the power of semantic search with a global patent database and critical non-patent literature to provide a unique IP discovery and analysis solution, brought to you by IEEE and
- IHS Knowledge Collections
- Single-source access to well-known and widely used manuals, handbooks, reference books, and more, covering topics across industry sectors and technical fields. Delivered using the innovative Engineering Workbench Platform
- Engineering Workbench Platform
- Addresses this "information overload" challenge with a single intuitive interface that uses advanced knowledge discovery technologies to surface answers from a curated universe of technical knowledge, including standards from all of the leading SDOs
- OECD iLibrary
- The online library of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD's analysis and data. also contains content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Presents all content so users can find - and cite - tables and databases as easily as articles or chapters in any available format: PDF, WEB, XLS, DATA, ePUB, READ.
- Wiley journals
- "Over 1400 eJournals in various areas: Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences, Engineering etc. Flexible licensing options: Full collection, Subject collections, Individual subscriptions. No access fee Unlimited access, no Embargo."
Teldan’s innovation and vision brings customers a loyal and long-standing partner in fulfilling all your information needs. As customers are moving from the "Information Age" to the "Knowledge Age", we now provide an increasing number of filtered, analyzed, real-time and customized information services, adding real value to information used by scientists, researchers, healthcare professionals, managers & consultants, decision makers and information professionals.
Leading academic institutions choose to work with Teldan to provide all of their information needs. They enjoy Teldan's One Stop Shop, Teldan's Prices, Experience, flexibility and more. Learn More >