With the growing interests in instant solutions and eBooks, Teldan is pleased to offer academic, corporate, medical and research communities access to thousands of eBooks from leading worldwide publishers and suppliers. Teldan provides the top titles with easy to use interfaces, supporting our customers to take advantage of the best of the eBook advancements.

Our Services
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- ACM - eBooks
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - eBooks from across the entire spectrum of computer science subject matter, appealing to computing practitioners, researchers, educators, and students. The series will initially focus on four kinds of books: graduate level textbooks; research monographs that provide an overview of established and emerging fields; practitioner level professional books; and books devoted to the history and social impact of computing. ACM Books are attractively published as eBooks and print volumes at affordable prices, and widely distributed in both print and digital formats through booksellers and to libraries (and library consortia) and individual ACM members via the ACM Digital Library platform.
- IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
- IEEE and Wiley have partnered to offer you online access to more than 900 eBooks via the IEEE Xplore digital library. This eBooks collection spans numerous content areas, including bioengineering, power and energy, and communication technologies, among other growing areas of research.
- IEEE-Wiley Telecom eBooks Library
- Stay informed about the ever-evolving field of telecommunications with this collection of high-quality eBook titles from Wiley delivered via the IEEE Xplore digital library. With more than 360 titles, this collection provides essential information on telecommunications and related fields with concentrated content applicable for students, researchers, and practicing engineers.
- MIT eBooks - Computing & Engineering
- MIT Press eBooks Library—The Computing & Engineering Collection offers online access to more than 700 titles in fields including computer science, artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology, and electrical engineering, broadening the research available to your organization in one platform.
- Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBooks Library
- This engineering and computer science collection consists of more than 875 eBooks that synthesize an important research or development topic, authored by an expert contributor to the field. The Synthesis digital library offers unique value to the reader by providing more analysis and depth in the format of a 80- to 140-page book than in a typical research article.
- Now publishers - Technology eBooks
- Now Publishers - Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks are a trusted resource for graduate students, corporate engineers, and researchers who are exploring a new topic or looking for a high-level introduction to unfamiliar subject areas in engineering or computer science. These peer-reviewed eBooks, with an average of 150 pages, summarize important and timely monographs, allowing readers to learn about trending topics quickly.
- IOP eBooks
- Institute of Physics (IOP) eBooks is the essential collection of books developed by a society publisher for the scientific community. We amplify the voices of our authors through innovative publishing techniques to advance knowledge across multiple key subject areas, while empowering libraries to take control of the content that they purchase to best serve the needs of their users.
- Kotar e-Books (Iyun)
- Hebrew e-Books in various areas such as: Humanities, social sciences, Judaism, history, education etc.
- Cambridge eBooks
- Cambridge University Press eBooks
- Wiley Online Books (Obooks)
- Thousands of titles in subject matter such as: Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences, Engineering etc. Flexible licensing options: Subject collection, pick and choose, Usage Based Model Collection. One time purchase with perpetual rights. No access fee. Unlimited access, DRM-Free.
- Wiley Online Major Reference Works (MRW)
- Encyclopedia, Companions, Handbooks in various subjects, such as: Chemistry, Psychology, Life sciences. Full access to all values. One time purchase with perpetual rights, No access fee, Unlimited access, DRM-Free.
- Kotar e-text books
- State-of-the-art digital textbooks available both online and offline, enhanced with multimedia objects. Hebrew text books for all grades in all disciplines.
- Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) and other - eBooks
- "Access thousands of scholarly works across 20 subjects, all on one easy-to-use online resource. Including University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO), a ground-breaking online library bringing works from the world’s best university presses onto a single, easy-to-use resource."
- Books on Ovid
- Thousands of eBooks and e-text books in healthcare, medicine, nursing and para-medical areas. Purchase or lease, both with Unlimited access. Excellent resolution for graphs and images.
- SAGE eBooks
- Thousands of carefully selected titles by world-class authors on hot topics across the social sciences including academic and supplementary titles, foundational books in core areas of research and debate, accessible student reference, and numerous practical professional titles in education. Available via the SAGE Knowledge platform.
Teldan eBook services include:
- Unlimited, DRM-Free access
- General and thematic collections from a wide variety of publishers
- Business models adapted to the needs of your organization and patrons
- One-time purchase or annual subscription
- MARC records available for download
- Direct access from mobile devices
- Search and management tools
- Ongoing training and support