- Customer first - Teldan places customers at the center of the service process. We focus on understanding and meeting user information needs. While each customer is unique, a common thread connects them with similar information challenges and goals – no matter the sector or industry. We’re always there to listen, help and support.
- Premium content - Teldan represents the leading publishers in the world of professional information. Bringing to you the best in terms of quantity and quality.
- Price - Teldan wide customer base and publisher relations allow it to get the best products for the lowest prices.
- Variety - Teldan offers a wide range of professional content solutions, to serve the varying needs of its customers.
- One stop shop - working with Teldan allows to reduce the bureaucracy and hassle of working with many different suppliers. Simpler procurements processes and one point of contact for all your professional content needs.
- Local service - Teldan's account managers talk in your language and are learning about your specific needs by being always nearby.
- Flexibility - we pride ourselves on finding the best way to serve our customers' needs, including obtaining specialized content requests, special payment terms, availability requests and more.
- Experience - Teldan is the leading information source in the market, with experience since before the digital revolution.
- Innovative - Teldan will keep you up to date, bringing fresh information products to you, as they become available.
Why Teldan?